Q: What is this site about?
It is a site to share and organise free knowledge for BI implementation with a focus on IBM Cognos TM1.
The contents are divided in articles generated and maintainable by any registered user.
There is also a blog for recent news/updates related to TM1.
Q: Could you add "feature A" or explain how to do "X" in TM1?
Sure, please ask in the contact form.
Q: What does BI stand for?
Q: What is TM1?
Q: Who is behind BIhints?
I started using TM1 in 2004 with only the official manuals.
I was looking for additional material but it was pretty scarce on the net at that time, besides Applix forum (RIP). As a result, there has been a couple of things that I had to learn the hard way.
So I decided that I would organise the knowledge I gained until now and share it with the community. BIhints was started on 2006-11-28.
The articles range from very basic, beginner material to more advanced.
Q: Why are your site logos and favicons showing baked beans?
Baked beans are a staple of the British diet. This is a tribute to the United Kingdom where I lived and developed my TM1 skills.
And the word "beans" is also a mnemonic to remember the URL: if you pronounce "B.I. hints" really fast it could sound like "beans".