Graphing TM1 Data Flow

This is the new version of a little parser written in perl that will create a input file for graphviz from your TM1 .pro and .rux files then generate a graph of the data flow in your TM1 server...

TM1 Data Flow

(the image has been cropped and scaled down for display, the original image is actually readable)

TM1 Data Flow legend


ellipses = cubes, rectangles = processes
red = cellget, blue = cellput, green = inter-cube rule

Procedure to follow:

  1. Install perl and graphviz
  2. Put the genflow perl script in any folder, make sure it has the .pl extension (not txt)
  3. Doubleclick on it
  4. Enter the path to your TM1 Data folder such as: \\servername\datafolder where \\servername\datafolder is the full file path to your TM1 data folder
  5. Hit return and wait until the window disappears
  6. This creates 2 files: "" and "flow.gif" in the same folder as the perl script
  7. Open "flow.gif" in any browser or picture editor


.display import view names along the edges
.display zeroout views
.sources differentiated by shape

.CellPut parsing fix
.cubes/processes names displayed 'as is'

This is still quite experimental but this could be useful to view at a glance high-level interactions between your inputs, processes, cubes and rules.


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