It is possible to send email alerts or reports as attachments from Turbo Integrator. This can be achieved by executing a VB script.
- Save the attached VB script on your TM1 server
- Create a TI process
- In the Epilog tab, add the following code:
S_Run='cmd /c D:\path\to\SendMail.vbs 25 "Today report" "check it out" E:\TM1Reports\todaysreport.xls'
The syntax is:
SendMail.vbs server port sender destination subject body attachment
so replace the fields as required to suit your setup
/!\ The DOS command line is limited to 255 characters so avoid putting too much information in the body.
/!\ If a field contains a blank space you must enclose that field in quotes so the script gets the correct parameters
code from kc_kang (applix forum) available at
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