
WebSphere Liberty Profile SSL configuration for TM1Web

TL;DR Skip directly to the bottom of the article to find out the fastest and most secure SSL configuration for WLP/TM1Web. Otherwise, read on to understand the how and the why. 

TM1Web also known as "Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services" is a web app serving websheets through the IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile webserver currently operating under Java Running Environment 1.8.0. 

tm1s.cfg parameters cheatsheet

The number of parameters in the tm1s.cfg has been steadily rising as more features have been made available over the years in TM1. So, a cheatsheet summarising all these parameters can help as an overview of the different settings that a TM1 server can be configured with.

This cheatsheet is now available in the following formats:

TM1 Sudoku

Beyond the purely ludic and mathematical aspects of sudoku, this code demonstrates how to set up dimensions, cubes, views, cell formating, security at elements and cells levels all through Turbo Integrator in just one process.

Locking and updating locked cubes

Locking cubes is a good way to insure your (meta)data is not tampered with.
Right click on the cube you wish to lock, then select Security->Lock.
This now protects the cube contents from TI process and (un)intentional admins' changes.
However, this makes updating your (meta)data more time consuming, as you need to remove the lock prior to updating the cube.

Duplicate Elements in Rollups

Large nested rollups can lead to elements being counted twice or more within a rollup.
The following process helps you to find, across all dimensions of your system, all rollups that contain elements consolidated more than once under the rollup.

The code isn't the cleanest and there are probably better methods to achieve the same result so don't hesitate to edit the page or comment.

It proceeds like this:

Monitor rules and processes

Changing a rule or process in TM1 does not show up in the logs.
That is fine as long as you are the only Power User able to tinker with these objects.
Unfortunately, it can get out of hand pretty quickly as more power users join the party and make changes that might impact other departments data.
So here goes a simple way to report changes.

The idea is to compare the current files on the production server with a backup from the previous day.

You will need:

Monitoring users logins

A quick way to monitor users login/logout on your system is to log the STATUS value (i.e. ACTIVE or blank) from the }ClientProperties cube.

View->Display Control Objects
Cubes -rightclick- Security Assignments
browse down to the }ClientProperties cube and make sure the Logging box is checked
tm1server -rightclick- View Transaction Log
Select Cubes: }ClientProperties