subset editor

Dynamic formatting

It is possible to preformat dynamic slices by using the Edit Element Formats button in the subset editor. However that formatting is static and will not apply to new elements of a slowly changing dimension. Also it takes a long time to load/save when you try to apply it to more than a few dozen elements.

As an example, we will demonstrate how to dynamically alternate row colors in a TM1 report for a Customer dimension.

Creating Dynamic Subsets in Applix TM1 with MDX - A Primer

Lead author: Philip Bichard.
Additional Material: Martin Findon.

About This Document

This MDX Primer is intended to serve as a simple introduction to creating dynamic dimension subsets using MDX in TM1. It focuses on giving working examples rather than trying to explain the complete theory of MDX and makes sure to cover the features most useful to TM1 users.


Edit Attributes...
if you get the following message "This operation accesses a dimension containing a large number of elements. The uploading of these elements from the server may take a few minutes. Continue?"
Editing directly the attributes cube is much faster:

  • View -> Display Control Objects
  • Open the cube }ElementAttributes_dimension
  • Modify the required fields like in any cube


Subset Editor

Tree View

To display consolidated elements below their children: View -> Expand Above

Faster Subset Editor

In order to get a faster response from the subset editor, disable the Properties Window:
View -> Properties Window
or click the "Display Properties Window" from the toolbar

Updating an existing subset

to add one or more elements in an existing subset without recreating it:
from the subset editor