
VBA misc

VBA function to check if a user is already logged in

Function IsUserLoggedIn(UserName As String, _
Servername As String) As Variant

IsUserLoggedIn = _
Application.Run("DBRW", Servername & "}ClientProperties" _
, UserName, "STATUS")

End Function

You can then use that in a sub as shown below:

Sub CheckWhetherUserIsLoggedIn()

If IsUserLoggedIn("MyUser", "TM1:") = "ACTIVE" Then
MsgBox "User is logged into TM1."
MsgBox "User is doing something more interesting."
End If

End Sub

Excel/Perspectives Tips

Synchronising Excel data

. to reduce the probability of crashing your Excel, disable Automatic Calculation : Go to Tools->Options-> Calculation Tab then click on the Manual button

You can use:

  • F9 to manually refresh all the open workbooks
  • Shift F9 to refresh only the current worksheet
  • F2 and Enter key (i.e. edit cell) to refresh only 1 cell